Robert Kentta

Robert Kentta
Robert Kentta

Robert Kentta has worked as the Siletz Tribal Cultural Resources Director for over 30 years, and has concurrently served as an elected member of the Tribal Council of Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians for the past 17 years. He is active in supporting Siletz languages, ceremonial and cultural events, cultural/sacred site protection, archaeological and archival research, and history/cultural education. He is a traditional artist who specializes in regalia and baskets. He grew up in his Tribal community of Siletz, Oregon, and attended the Institute of American Indians Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is active on behalf of all Siletz Tribal members in matters of fairness/equality, and is able to advocate regionally/nationally as well through inter-Tribal regional/national organizations for ecological issues of restoration and resilience in the time of global challenges.

Learn More About Robert Kentta Here

The Rest of the Team

Eileen Olivieri
Lana Veenker
Lana Veekner
Alisabeth Brown
Alisabeth Brown
Creative Producer
Kari Paulson
Kari Paulson
Kim Stafford
Kim Stafford
Jamie Figueroa (Taíno)
Jamie Figueroa (Taíno)
Story Consultant
Sasha LaPointe
Sasha LaPointe
Writer/Story Conultant